5 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi

1. Gun - Alamete binis kismi

Evek, Tom Hanks tribine girmeye basladim ben burda. Saatler geciyo, ama bi kismi gecemiyo bi turlu, enteresan.

Havaalani personeli deli deli bakiyo bana. Devamli dolasip, 4 saatte toplam 9 kere disari cikip iceri girdigimden olabilir. 'Basurum var ondan boyleyim abi' demek istiyorum hepsine. Hatta 'ne var ne? Siz boyle sepet gibi calisirken ben siesta yapicam, sies'e gidip orda da yapicam, si'sinu ayri es'ini ayri yapicam' diyesim var hepsine. Kahpe kellelerini kancik bedenlerinden ayirmak istesem de kendimi tutup, yalnizca hancidan icki, yemek ve kadin istedim. Koskoca havaalaninda hanci olmadigi gibi bu istediklerim de yokmus...sabiha gokcen'in emanetini ne hale getirmisler...kimizdan baska bisi icmezmis rahmetli, lakin simdi buralarda 'macchiato' falan denen seyler satiyolar.

Hatay ucagi kalktigindan beri ortalik pek sakin, eglenemiyorum.

Ben, memeler, iphone ve bilekberi bi ekip olduk. Las Ramblas uzerinde seyyar telekomunikasyoncu olmak istiyorum. Mesajlara falan cevap yazamayan teyzelere hizmet vericem.

Teyze : yavrumissimo il textina message tebrike io beceremeyensia...kaynimgillia gonderetente, por favore respondate de la mia bella kizimissiya....

Ben : Si si Isabella Hanime Teyzassiya, buyurante oturiya, io soylessimo il cayente de tavsane kaniya...

tipi diyaloglara ev sahipligi yapmak istiyorum ben...

Bu sapsal application yazdiklarimi silmeden post etmem lazim, 'kiyamete gelis' adli devam bolumuyle aksam buralardayim.


Kitty mum, I refuse to talk to strangers, even they offer me cookies. Don't worry...

Now you may start crying;

I'm about to go to a perfecf strange country, for the first time and alone! When I land, I will shout 'hiiiaayyyynnnn, this is barcelonataaaa' likd Gerard Butler in 300. I may not able to find 300 people but if I have 3 and drink some alcohol, it will work.

I'll text you when I arrive and give my reports in every 3 hours. You have the contact info of my hotel, you may call anx check :))))



I was about to finish this before, when yo were having lunch and my opening sentence wad that ;

- What are you eating?? Will you pleasd come back?

I can't stop moving, people look at me like I'm an alien. I went out and in 9 timed in 4 hours, is that too much?

Nobody is interesting here. I like to observe people but none of them are observable right now! I'll post a pic for you to see them. Ladies with long skirts and huge hips, as they walk skirts shake and they are shouting their relatives :))))

Now I need to finish this and change my place, I'm sitting on that stupid chair for 35 mins, I need some fresh air!

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