9 Temmuz 2010 Cuma

Day 4 - Ep 1 - Museu de Cera and Spanair

And the 4th day...after having a whole day rest one day before, I woke fresh!

Put a dress on, a really short one...very short one which I have to wear it with shorts in Istanbul. It was perfect to walk like this without gaining any attention!

I had a sandwich in my bag, so I ate it on my way to Museu De Cera, the wax museum placed at the end of La Rambla.

To tell the truth it was disapponting...yes it was huge and had some great things that I'm going to mention about but most of the models don't look like the real persons. Pope was looking like Robin Williams more than himself for instance :)

Che and Bill Clinton were nothing to do with theirselves...maybe Einstein a little. But the worst one was Julia Roberts! It was like a joke!!!!

But there were some good details; a gypsy girl's feet were wonderful. Her fingers' positioning while dancing...and some facial details were good, like the color changes and moles on the skin.

There was a submarine, for the trip under the seas...you really enter in a submarine, water flows under it and it has an extra chamber that you can see mermaids. At the first look I thought 'how come those wax models stay in water?'. Then I got a closer look and got the trick, water bubbles were of course coming between two glasses of window :))). ( Yes Astro, you could understand this without examining, I know :). )

After that, I saw a man on a wheelchair. I thought he was a model too but he was real :) he had 2 computers in front of him, and he said something to me angrily in Catalan. Then I figured out that he was asking me if I want a photo montage or not. But not in a polite manner :))))

The next room was dark. And scary. That was the point anyway, when I realized that it's something like fear tunnel, I was already scared. You can't imagine how fast I ran out :))

Then the Star wars room...or the spaceship :). Music was playing and most of the people were there, of course not looking much like themselves...

I went out from Cera, and walked on Rambla to have a drink. Because I had to rest and then go to find Spanair office in Passeig De Gracia.

Before leaving, I went to use the restroom and as I'm going out the place a worker of that place said 'You are very beautiful' to me. I thanked but couldn't understand which beauty is he talking about :)))

Subway is my place, I learned every line of it :))) with a print out of google maps of Spanair office, I was on streets...it was complicated and nobody knew where it is. I walked walked walked...finally I got tired and hungry. Just went to some place without looking anything. I wish I had a look!

There was nothing good to eat...so I ordered a tuna fish salad but still couldn't understand what did I eat. It was nothing to do with tuna fish, it was something else :)))

Anyway, looking for Spanair was a must, so I kept going. And as everybody who aim something, I found the plaza. The security of that plaza (like Sener Abi of ours ;) ) asked me where am I looking for. I told him and he said the office is moved, they only have an office in Airport now. He spoke Catalan but I understood again :)))

So there was nothing to do...just because of that I went to Desigual and bought a dress, not because of any other particular reason :)))

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