10 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi

Day 4 - Ep 3 - Barri Gotic, Santa Caterina and Dali

And now, the best time of the day...

I had a rest for my back, and during this searched for Barri Gotic, the old town of Barcelona. Google maps couldn't showed me something logical so I forgot about Barri Gotic and dive into a random side street on Rambla.

Without thinking I walked, stopped by the interesting shops...when I arrived to a square, there were many tourists around...that must be an important place! :)

I was just hanging around, taking photos, examining buildings...and something came to my mind. Those buildings were old, and had a ancient style of architecture...so...? Was that Baar Gotic? :)

Yes it was! Again I made it, but it took me too long to understand, because I wasn't thinking. I was just lost in somewhere, and that was perfect!

There was an old house which was open to public. I climbed to its terrace and looked around...then a music started...from somewhere close. It was very beautiful! Like a movie, I just followed the music...if that was a movie, Jim Carrey would show up in the corner but he didn't, so I turned to the real life :)

There was orchestra playin Catalan music on the street. The big square in front of the old church was full of people! They were dancing in circles, Catalan dancing...and the orchestra were set on the stairs. I found myself a place and start to listen and watch.

The music was perfect, and they were playing perfect. Some couples were dancing Waltz instead of Catalan. I wish I could dance...although it's been a very long time that I didn't dance waltz, I still remember and can dance :)))

I learned how to dance Catalan by watching their steps. It's not that hard, so easy actually...I don't know how long I stayed there but finally thr music was over. So I left...

There was a road sign in front of me. Left one was showing La Rambla and the right one was showing 'Mercat de Santa Caterina!!! Ours Katerina is a Saint too, and she is thd right side of our lives, so I chosed to go that way :)

The mercat was too big but of course closed. I went closer to examine its colorful roof and saw Santa Caterina Cuines. Suddenly I realized that I haven't had dinner, so just went in!

I ordered a Catalan food made by Catalan sausage and beans which has a sauce with olive oil and green spices. And also a glass of cava...

Food was delicious abd cava was strong. Unfortunately I realized that too late. It happened all in a minute, after the last drop my head started to spin like a ball!!

That cava made me reaaall drunk! I don't know how did I pay and leave :)))

While walking I was smiling, not smiling actually laughing! That what happens when I'm drunk and there's nothing to do with it!

I sat on a bench in the square and tried to wake up. Also checked my location :))) there weren't any signs and google maps was wrong again. So I kept moving without knowing again!

On my way, suddenly I saw something like Dali museum...I thought that this is a hallucination of my drunk mind but it wasn't! And it was closing at 10 pm so I had a complete one hour!

This exhibition is not mentioned in anywhere... I mean google or anything...but it's great! It has almost all paper works and most of the paintings of Dali. And also sculptures, models, and his own photos...it was really huge and worth to go!

I was impressed once more by him and of course my 'drunky' situation influenced it :))

When I was leaving I felt sorry for seeing this without Astro, so I bought him a card as an apology :)))

I got back to my room and spend some time in my balcony, watching people again. That was a very productive day!!!

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