8 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe

Day 3 - Stuck in the room

Day 3 was a really stupid day. It started nice, ended as a disaster...

In the morning everything was fine, my back wasn't hurting too much and Park Guell was waiting for me. He is another German guy I met there, her parents made him in a park that's where his name comes from.

The lady in the tourism office told me bus number and the driver adviced to watch the led screen in the bus. There was traffic, not bad as İstanbul but there still was.

I spent an hour in the bus, but still no signs for Park Guell...then I saw something different between the blocks and thought I'm there. But I wasn't :) I should have listened to the driver...

The Indian grocer showed me the way to walk, and he said 'a little english, not bad ha?' while I'm leaving. Indians are cute here, I love them speaking English :)

Anyway, I was looking for someone to ask directions because there weren't any signs...finally I saw a middle aged lady with her golden jewels and bright nail paints. I asked her how to go, she couldn't understand... I used body language while talking in Turkish and she used too by speaking Catalan, but we made it...she told me that it will be hard to walk because its up on the hill, I should wait with her and get in the bus, then she'll tell me where to drop off. Yes she made all those gestures and we understood each other :)))

Our bus came and we sat together. She was telling me about something and I was saying 'si,si...','aaaa?!','correcto...'. We were both happy, friendship doesn't have borders :)

When we arrived to my station, she kissed me, fixed my dress, and say bye. I'm sure everybody thought we know each other...

I started to walk in Park Guell, took a few pictures and ta-daaaa! My back felt it is cut into pieces. I couldn't take another step. Wait for a while tried to reach the exit...with each step it wad getting worse and I was crying. Immediately I connected myself to my father, and he told me to go to my room as soon as possible, take the pills and rest...

Subway station was far away so I took the bus and after arriving Placa Catalunya went to a cafe to eat something before the pills...that rest was good, on my walk to hotel I pictured K,G and Astro :p A street artist shouted at me because I'm taking a picture without paying :)

And then I went to the pharmacy and asked for Cataflam as 'Cataflamico?'. She said no. I asked 'Buscopanita?' and again she said no. At last I asked for 'Diclofenico?', she finally said 'si sii diclofenaco' :))))

I took my medicine and had a rest for hours....even made siesta. I made a skype call with Bert and then Ayca, those broke my silence diet :) At night I was feeling ok to go out. By the instructions given by my doc, I walked and had rest, walked and rest, walk and rest...like old ladies.

While having my Sangria, I again wrote a letter to Katie. I feel like a post office :) it made me a little drunk, I was about to cry! Sangria changes my mood :)

Then I went to the port, sat on a tail of a lion, let people taking my pictures :))))

On my way back to room, I had dinner in somewhere. At that moment the game ended and crazy Spanish people started to shout! Celebrations were really funny, but we did more creative things when we won the 3rd.

There was a crowd around the celebrating groups but I couldn't get any pictures. Because I'm short! I couldn't even see them...and that's all Astro's fault, he is a skyscaper but always in the wrong location :))))

From my balcony, I watched the passing maniacs of Spain but it wasn't funny at all. One of them tried to climb to the hostel across the street and cops arrived :))))

My battery's dying now, and that was all for yesterday.

I fell asleep again hoping to get well soon the next day...

And I miss Bert. I used to tell him what I've done in detail everyday (he doesn'g listen to me, always thinking something else but we are managing it that way) like an elementary school kid. He will go when I'm back and this is bad. Good for him and K of course but I'm going to miss him. There won't be anyone to save me from agencies :)))) (that also means I won't have Katie too! Puffff!)

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